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Pistorius arranges development of long-range weapons with European partners

Germany, in deterring Russia with long-range rockets, relies not only on a deployment agreement with the USA, but also on the joint development and procurement of such weapons with European partner countries. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) signed a corresponding intent...

Pistorius (r.) signing the intent declaration with his colleagues
Pistorius (r.) signing the intent declaration with his colleagues

Pistorius arranges development of long-range weapons with European partners

According to the matter at hand, it involves so-called long-range precision weapons. This includes not only Long-range missiles, but also cruise missiles, modern combat aircraft, and an extended air and missile defense.

In the ZDF-"heute-journal", Pistorius stated on Thursday evening that in the agreement with European partners, it's about countering the new "threat situation" created by Russia with "clear deterrence capability and defense readiness". Pistorius referred to the fact that Europe lacks conventional long-range weapons. Germany has none, Europe hardly any.

"Since we don't have enough systems in this area, the Americans are temporarily stationing these systems, until we develop our own systems with European partners", Pistorius explained in ZDF. The development of our own, European long-range weapons is costly, and the budget for the fiscal year 2025 was not increased as hoped by the Federal Ministry of Defense. "We have to work with the spaces we have", said Pistorius.

Germany and the USA announced on Wednesday evening on the sidelines of the NATO summit that the US army - after more than 20 years of pause - intends to station long-range weapons in Germany again starting in 2026. The stationing of US missiles is expected to be temporary - until Germany and European allies themselves produce and station such weapons.

While Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) praised this at the NATO summit as a "very good decision" that secures "peace", warnings came from the opposition, as well as from the ranks of the SPD and the Greens, of the growing danger of a conflict with Russia.

  1. The upcoming NATO summit in Poland will be a significant discussion point due to the issue of long-range weapons.
  2. Germany, historically along with France, is among the European partners who are striving for a clear deterrence capability against Russia's perceived threats.
  3. Boris Pistorius, the German Defense Minister, emphasized the need for long-range rockets and modern combat aircraft as part of Europe's extended air and missile defense.
  4. The ZDF-"heute-journal" reported that Pistorius highlighted the lack of conventional long-range weapons in Europe, with Germany having none and hardly any available.
  5. The United States of America has agreed to temporarily station long-range weapons in Germany starting from 2026, as a precaution until Europe develops its own long-range weapons with allies.
  6. The stationing of US missiles in Germany is intended to be temporary, until European nations can produce and station their own long-range weapons.
  7. Italy, like other European nations, is also involved in the development and acquisition of long-range precision weapons, with a focus on deterrence and defense readiness.
  8. Critics, including from within the SPD and the Greens, have raised concerns about the prospect of increased tensions with Russia, following the announcement of the US's return to stationing long-range weapons in Germany.
  9. Pistorius reiterated the importance of working within existing budget constraints and collaborating with allies to develop and deploy long-range weapons, ensuring the necessary deterrence capabilities for Europe.

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