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Pistorius advocates for being prepared for conflict.

The Minister of Defense is upset by the phrase, "We must become fit for war." During the Bundeswehr Open Day, he defends this expression.

Boris Pistorius, Federal Minister of Defense, speaks in the plenary session of the German...
Boris Pistorius, Federal Minister of Defense, speaks in the plenary session of the German Bundestag.

Military protection is offered in this context. - Pistorius advocates for being prepared for conflict.

The Defense Minister, Boris Pistorius, explained his comment regarding the Bundeswehr needing to become combat-ready. He understood it may have frightened some people, but it's crucial to comprehend the true meaning behind the words. This means being prepared to engage in defense warfare if attacked. In other words, being ready for the worst scenario so as not to be caught off guard.

At the Day of the Bundeswehr in Lower Saxony's Faßberg, Pistorius further explained, "It's about being able to conduct a defense war if attacked - so being prepared for the worst, so as not to be confronted with it." Amidst changes and new challenges, one must adapt accordingly.

The Faßberg air base, along with eight other Bundeswehr facilities in Germany, opened their doors to the public on Saturday. Since 2015, the Day of the Bundeswehr has been an annual event.

In regard to conscription, Pistorius spoke with a Bundeswehr livestream and clarified that it's about practical considerations. The previous conscription method of drafting 400,000 young men per year and quickly dismissing most of them is not feasible or up-to-date. "We will not muster and enlist 400,000 young men every year and then dismiss the majority." Instead, a stronger reserve force is required, especially in the event of a potential defense scenario. And achieving this would involve more young men and, ideally, young women participating in military service - preferably on a voluntary basis.

Pistorius is set to reveal his anticipated plans for a new form of military service in the coming week, as he recently announced.

Read also:

  1. Boris Pistorius emphasized the importance of preparing the German Armed Forces for defense warfare in Berlin, reassuring that his comments should not be misinterpreted as a provocative stance.
  2. As part of the annual Day of the Bundeswehr celebrations, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and seven other German states opened their military facilities to the public, showcasing Germany's defense capabilities.
  3. During the SPD congress in Hamburg, Defense Minister Pistorius articulated the necessity of maintaining the country's fitness for war, supporting a stronger reserve force to meet potential defense scenarios.
  4. In his affirmation of a strategic shift in military service, Pistorius encouraged volunteer participation from young men and women in Germany, aiming to establish a more effective and up-to-date defensive force.
  5. In Lower Saxony, Pistorius emphasized the urgency of being prepared for defense warfare, explaining that the Streitkräfteopathologie (military medical evaluation for fitness for war) and military training are crucial components of this preparation.
  6. In anticipation of unveiling his plans for a new military service model in the upcoming week, Pistorius expressed his commitment to fortifying the German Armed Forces, ensuring they are capable of defending the country in times of conflict.

