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Pisa results: Kretschmann feels confirmed in his course

Minister President Winfried Kretschmann sees the results of the latest Pisa study as confirmation of his education policy course. "Our programs and priorities are pointing in the right direction," said the Green politician in Stuttgart on Tuesday. "The consensus in the coalition that we must...

A copy of the Pisa Study 2022 is on display at the presentation of the study at the Federal
A copy of the Pisa Study 2022 is on display at the presentation of the study at the Federal Press Conference.

Education - Pisa results: Kretschmann feels confirmed in his course

Minister President Winfried Kretschmann sees the results of the latest Pisa study as confirmation of his education policy course. "Our programs and priorities are pointing in the right direction," said the Green politician in Stuttgart on Tuesday. "The consensus in the coalition that we need to focus on early childhood education has been confirmed once again."

German pupils performed worse than ever before in the international Pisa performance study in 2022. Both in reading and in mathematics and science, these are the lowest values ever measured for Germany in the Pisa study. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced in Berlin on Tuesday that average performance had also fallen drastically internationally. This is the first Pisa report since the coronavirus pandemic.

Education Minister Theresa Schopper (Greens) believes that promoting reading is particularly important. "Above all, language and reading comprehension is the basis for success at school - also in mathematics. We are therefore placing greater emphasis on language support on the threshold between kindergarten and elementary school," said Schopper according to a press release.

Read also:

  1. The government in Baden-Württemberg, led by Winfried Kretschmann, refers to the PISA study results as a validation of their educational policies.
  2. The PISA study conducted in 2022 revealed that pupils from Stuttgart, part of Baden-Württemberg, also demonstrated poorer performance in reading, mathematics, and science compared to previous years.
  3. In response to the PISA study, Winfried Kretschmann, the Minister President, highlighted the importance of early childhood education and praised the coalition's consensus on this issue.
  4. The PISA study findings have raised concerns about the standard of education in Germany, prompting discussions within government and educational institutions in Stuttgart, such as schools and universities in Baden-Württemberg.


