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Pisa results: FDP parliamentary group requests topical hour

German pupils perform poorly in the Pisa study. Politicians in Schleswig-Holstein are alarmed.

The FDP party logo is displayed on a stage.
The FDP party logo is displayed on a stage.

Education - Pisa results: FDP parliamentary group requests topical hour

The poor performance of German pupils in the international Pisa study will also occupy the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament. The FDP parliamentary group has requested a current affairs debate on the topic for the next session. On Tuesday, parliamentary group leader Christopher Vogt emphasized the role of the coronavirus pandemic and increasing immigration in the results. "But the reference to this must not be an excuse for the state government. The problems are clearly deeper."

The Ministry of Education has been asleep for far too long on the top issue of teacher recruitment. The implementation of inclusion and integration is a major problem that threatens to overwhelm schools, despite the great efforts of teachers. Vogt emphasized that language support must begin much earlier.

SPD member of the state parliament Martin Habersaat spoke of a second Pisa shock. "The results are shocking." This was true in the subjects, but also in human interaction: twelve percent of 15-year-olds felt lonely at school, 22 percent said they were not satisfied with their lives and 21 percent said they were victims of bullying at least a few times a month.

"It is unacceptable that our children do not feel comfortable in the schools where they spend a large part of their day. Those who are now only calling for basic skills to be strengthened are ignoring the fact that we are dealing with young people who are entitled to a holistic education and development," emphasized the education politician.

German pupils performed worse than ever before in the international Pisa performance study in 2022. Both in reading and in mathematics and science, these are the lowest values ever measured for Germany in the Pisa study. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) announced in Berlin on Tuesday that average performance had also fallen drastically internationally. This is the first Pisa report since the coronavirus pandemic. The results are not broken down by federal state.

Read also:

  1. The poor Coronavirus-induced disruptions in educational practices are believed to have influenced the poor performance of German pupils in the recent Pisa study, according to Christopher Vogt, the leader of the FDP parliamentary group in Schleswig-Holstein.
  2. The BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) should consider integrating language support at an earlier stage in schools, as asserted by Martin Habersaat, a member of the SPD (Social Democratic Party) in the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament, in response to the dismal results of the Pisa study.
  3. The German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein, like many other regions across Germany, is grappling with the implications of these dismal results in the Pisa study, which highlighted the need to improve education and combat issues such as loneliness and bullying in schools.
  4. The results of the latest Pisa study, which showed that German pupils performed significantly worse in reading, mathematics, and science compared to previous years, were presented at an event organized by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) in Germany, highlighting the urgent need for strategic interventions in the country's education system.


