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Pilot project: Fully equipped digital schools

Internet for all and tablets for learning - Hamburg wants to test this concept at selected schools. Whether and how well it works will also be evaluated for the further digitalization of schools.

A student does schoolwork on a laptop.
A student does schoolwork on a laptop.

Internet - Pilot project: Fully equipped digital schools

Twelve schools in Hamburg are to be fully digitally equipped as part of a pilot project. Pupils and teachers at six elementary school, four district schools and two grammar schools will each receive their own tablets and notebooks, as announced by the education authority in Hamburg on Monday. Teachers will also be given more time for additional training and concept work. The project schools will also have nationwide Wi-Fi and shared communication and learning platforms.

The aim of the pilot project is to digitalize educational processes, test digital teaching and learning methods and gather experience for the further digitalization of Hamburg's schools.

All state schools in Hamburg are already equipped with Wi-Fi in almost all classrooms, said Hamburg's Senator for Culture Ties Rabe (SPD). "10,500 of the almost 12,000 classrooms also have digital blackboards. Over 100,000 computers, notebooks and tablets are available to Hamburg's 240,000 pupils."

In Hamburg, computer science will be firmly anchored in the timetable as a new compulsory subject in all district schools and grammar schools from the 2025/26 school year. The pilot schools will start a year earlier.

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