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Pilgrims Endure Sweltering Temperatures During Devil's Stoning Ceremony in Saudi Arabia

Masses of Muslim worshippers marked the culmination of the Hajj pilgrimage this Sunday in Mina, Saudi Arabia, by enacting the tradition of pelting the devil at three stone structures. As the sun rose, they assembled before these sacred stones set beyond Mecca and hurled seven missiles at them....

Pilgrims in Mina
Pilgrims in Mina

Pilgrims Endure Sweltering Temperatures During Devil's Stoning Ceremony in Saudi Arabia

Sizzling temperatures soared to a staggering 46 degrees Celsius in the region on Saturday, as throngs of pilgrims perspired through hours of fervent prayer at Mount Arafat. As per the state news agency SPA, a staggering 255 individuals sought medical attention for heat-related ailments. The true number of heat stroke victims could be significantly higher. Last year, authorities disclosed that they had treated an astounding 10,000 individuals, with a tenth of them victims of heat stroke.

"It was incredibly scorching," Rohy Daiseca from Gambia told AFP news agency. "I drenched myself in water to survive."

The Hadj is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Every physically capable Muslim, if they can afford it, is meant to embark on this spiritual journey at least once in their lifetime. "This place demonstrates that we are all equal, that there are no distinctions between Muslims worldwide," remarked Amal Mahruss, a 55-year-old woman from Egypt who arrived in Mecca.

The symbolic pelting of the devil marks the initial day of the Islamic Festival of Sacrifice, Eid al-Adha, which honors Abraham. According to tradition, Abraham was set to offer his own son on God's behest, but was instructed to sacrifice a sheep instead. Many devotees slaughter an animal and share a portion of the meat with the underprivileged.

Approximately 1.8 million pilgrims are estimated to have attended this year's Hadj, according to official figures, including 1.6 million foreign pilgrims and residents. The influx of pilgrims to the Stone Pillars was regulated by barriers to prevent deadly mass stampedes, similar to the incident in 2015 when approximately 2,300 individuals perished.

The on-going conflict in Gaza overshadowed the annual pilgrimage and the subsequent festival. "We can't celebrate Eid because our brethren in Gaza are oppressed by the occupation," lamented Nadschem Nawwar, a 43-year-old man from Egypt.

The Saudi Arabian king is said to have covered the costs of Hadj participation for 2,000 Palestinians, as per official declarations. Half of them were reportedly relatives of Muslims from Gaza living abroad. However, Saudi Arabian authorities prohibited public political statements during the pilgrimage.

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The Gambian pilgrim Rohy Daiseca described the heat as "incredibly scorching." Hundreds of thousands of Muslims from around the world, including Gambia, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, participated in the Hajj. The Hajj is a spiritual journey that is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The stoning of the devil, a significant ritual during Eid al-Adha, took place under blistering heat. Despite the heat, Amal Mahruss from Egypt expressed her joy in witnessing the equality among Muslims during the Hajj. This year, about 1.8 million pilgrims attended, with tens of thousands seeking medical aid due to heat-related ailments. Saudi Arabia covered the Hajj costs for 2,000 Palestinians, but political statements were prohibited during the pilgrimage. (AFP reported on stoning incidents.)



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