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Pigeon conservationists collect signatures for citizens' petition

Following the city council's decision to kill Limburg's city pigeons, animal rights activists want to launch a citizens' petition. The Limburg city pigeon project has called for signatures to be collected via Facebook under the motto "Stop killing pigeons!". The initiators are aiming to repeal...

A pigeon crosses the road in front of cars.
A pigeon crosses the road in front of cars.

Animals - Pigeon conservationists collect signatures for citizens' petition

Following the city council's decision to kill Limburg's city pigeons, animal rights activists want to launch a citizens' petition. The Limburg city pigeon project has called for signatures to be collected via Facebook under the motto "Stop killing pigeons!". The initiators are aiming to repeal the decision. In order to enforce a referendum, ten percent of eligible voters would have to sign the petition, which would correspond to 2,672 signatures, as a city spokesperson said on Monday.

In November, a majority of Limburg city councillors decided that the number of pigeons in the cathedral city should be limited by killing them by breaking their necks. A census had previously shown that there were around 700 pigeons in Limburg. The decision, which is currently still undergoing legal review, was followed by protests from animal rights activists. Even before the decision was made, the dispute over Limburg's pigeons had been making waves. Representatives of the city council had received countless emails and posts, including threats of criminal charges, which the city considered to be a "clear overstepping of boundaries in the expression of opinion".

According to the resolution, the planned killing is to be limited to two years, after which an experience report is to be drawn up. It is assumed that the population size of the pigeons will then be regulated to such an extent that "birth control" in supervised pigeon houses will be sufficient, the city spokesperson explained.

Read also:

  1. Hesse's animal rights activists, inspired by the Limburg situation, are considering launching their own citizens' petition against local authorities who plan to harm other animal species.
  2. On Facebook, several animal welfare groups have created pages to disseminate information about the ongoing issue in Limburg and encourage their members to sign the citizens' petition for pigeon conservation.
  3. The municipalities in Hesse, aware of the growing concern for animal rights, have begun assessing their wildlife management policies and considering alternative solutions to pigeon populations, such as birth control programs, instead of resorting to lethal methods.
  4. A local Facebook group, dedicated to animal rights in Hesse, recently published a post calling for citizens' signatures on a petition to end the killing of animals for population control, citing the Limburg pigeons case as an example of the need for change.


