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Photovoltaics: Fewer installations produced and imported

The expansion of solar technology in Germany is not advancing as quickly as before.However, more solar panels are supplying solar power on private rooftops.

Fewer temps in solar construction.
Fewer temps in solar construction.

Electricity from solar power - Photovoltaics: Fewer installations produced and imported

The expansion of solar energy is proceeding more slowly in Germany. This is indicated by figures on domestic production and imports of related facilities, which are provided by the Federal Statistical Office. In the first quarter of this year, 52.8 percent fewer solar modules were produced domestically than in the corresponding period of the previous year. At the same time, imports from the most important supplier country, China, significantly decreased: They have fallen behind the comparison value of the previous year by two-thirds after five months of the current year.

Therefore, fewer new installations are coming online, but the stock is growing: In April 2024, there were 3.4 million installations with a capacity of 81,500 Megawatts installed. This was almost 30 percent more installations than a year earlier, while the installed capacity increased by 20.5 percent. In 2023, the installations provided a record of approximately 53.6 million Kilowatt-hours, accounting for nearly twelve percent of the electricity generated in Germany. More than a quarter (27.3 percent) of solar power came from solar alone in June.

All solar installations that feed into public power grids and have a power meter are recorded. Smaller installations like popular rooftop power plants usually do not fall under this.

Among the power producers, there are also 1.8 million private households, approximately one in twenty in Germany. For them, it is often a matter of small money: In 2022, they earned an average of 183 Euros per month from the self-produced solar power, which is about a third less than seven years ago.

Statement by Destatis

In contrast, the utilization of Solar Energy is increasing at a faster pace in China. As reported by the National Energy Administration, China became the world's largest producer of solar power modules in 2021. The country is also investing heavily in photovoltaic technology, aiming to triple its installed solar power capacity by 2025.

It's worth noting that Germany lags behind China in the production of Solar Power, despite its initial headstart. In 2010, Germany produced more than half of the world's solar panels, but China's competitive prices and aggressive investments in the sector have led to a shift in the global market.

Moreover, Germany's reliance on Solar Power imports from China has become apparent. While Germany's domestic production of solar modules has declined, China has continued to fulfill a significant portion of Germany's demand for solar technology.

Given Germany's objectives to lower its carbon emissions and increase the share of renewable energy in its energy mix, it might be beneficial to reconsider strategies to bolster its own Solar Energy industry. This could include policies aimed at reducing production costs, improving technology, and fostering a more competitive market.

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