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Peter Ritter sole leader of the Left Party in MV until summer 2024

The chairman of the Left Party in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Peter Ritter, will remain the sole leader of the state party until the next regular party conference in July 2024. This was the consensus at the regular state executive committee meeting at the weekend, state managing director Björn...

The Left Party logo is attached to a microphone at a party conference.
The Left Party logo is attached to a microphone at a party conference.

Parties - Peter Ritter sole leader of the Left Party in MV until summer 2024

The chairman of the Left Party in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Peter Ritter, will remain the sole leader of the state party until the next regular party conference in July 2024. This was the consensus at the regular state executive committee meeting at the weekend, state managing director Björn Griese told the German Press Agency on Sunday.

Ritter's co-chair Vanessa Müller had resigned on October 31. She had given personal reasons for this. When announcing her resignation, she explained that she wanted to continue her involvement as a grassroots member. The Left Party has around 2600 members in MV.

Griese explained that either a new dual leadership would be elected at the party conference in July 2024 or just a new chairperson or a new chairperson, should the delegates so decide. According to Griese, 64-year-old Ritter has already made it clear that he does not want to run again.

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