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Peskhkian sworn in as Iran's new president

In Iran, elected president Massud Peschkian was inaugurated. In a ceremony broadcast live by state television, the president-designate, considered moderate, swore in as Iran's ninth president on Tuesday at the parliament in Tehran. As president, he pledged to 'uphold the official religion, the...

Peskhkian sworn in as Iran's new president

Peseschkian had won the presidential election in Iran. The 69-year-old was the sole candidate from the reformist camp. His term will last four years.

During his campaign, Peseschkian advocated for "constructive relations" with the West. He also pushed for the revival of the 2018 nuclear deal, which was scrapped under then-U.S. President Donald Trump, hoping it would lead to the lifting of sanctions and an economic recovery.

Peseschkian succeeds the ultra-conservative Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash in May. However, the real power in Iran lies with the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has already called for continuity following Peseschkian's victory.

Peseschkian's victory in the Election of the President marks a shift towards a more reformist approach in Iran's leadership. Despite his victory, the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has emphasized the importance of maintaining continuity.

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