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Person rides next to law enforcement at 65 km/h on electric scooter.

A blue light shines under the windshield of a police emergency vehicle.
A blue light shines under the windshield of a police emergency vehicle.

Follows Lindenberg's lead. - Person rides next to law enforcement at 65 km/h on electric scooter.

In the Allgäu area, a guy rode an electric scooter at around 65 km/h beside a sports car. The authorities apprehended him on a Thursday. Subsequently, later on a Friday, the police examined the 24-year-old guy. Apparently, his electric scooter had no insurance, and he didn't possess the necessary driving license either. It was because the man's scooter went too fast, specifically at 20 km/h in Lindenberg (Lindau district) that he was required to have this license. This individual was accused of multiple offenses, notably driving without a valid license.

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In Bavaria, the incident in Lindenberg sparked discussions among local authorities about enforcing stricter laws for E-scooters on public roads. The Police in Swabia have increased their patrols in response, keeping a close eye on speeding E-scooters. On a Saturday in Allgäu, a police patrol car spotted an individual exceeding the speed limit on an E-scooter. Despite thewarnings, some residents in Lindenberg continue to disregard traffic rules, causing concerns for the safety of both E-scooter users and other road users.

