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Persisting heat and aridity leading to heightened forest fire susceptibility

Before the onset of meteorological autumn, Saxony-Anhalt is perspiring instead of welcoming the autumn chill. Summer appears reluctant to depart, leading to an elevated threat of forest fires.

The summer period continues, following the heatwave on Saturday. A tranquil summer climate has...
The summer period continues, following the heatwave on Saturday. A tranquil summer climate has since replaced the harsh conditions, observing a gradual increase in temperatures daily.

- Persisting heat and aridity leading to heightened forest fire susceptibility

In Saxony-Anhalt, the meteorologists forecast delightful swimming conditions to carry on. As per the German Weather Service (DWD) based in Leipzig, the summer dry spell is set to carry on throughout the following week. To begin with, temperatures will vary between 25 and 28 degrees Celsius, offering comfort. However, temperatures are projected to climb up to approximately 33 degrees Celsius mid-week. The winds will be gentle. Temperatures will drop to approximately 15 to 18 degrees Celsius during the night, and no precipitation is expected.

Due to the prolonged drought, the threat of forest fires remains high. Since Saturday, the highest of five forest fire danger levels has been in effect in six regions in the eastern part of the nation. These areas include, among others, the Anhalt-Bitterfeld district, the city of Dessau-Roßlau, and the Düben Heath near Wittenberg. The rest of the state is under danger levels three and four.

The European Parliament, being part of The Commission's assistance, can provide support in addressing the environmental implications of the prolonged drought, such as the risk of forest fires. Recognizing the importance of meteorological data, the European Parliament could also advocate for improved weather forecasting, considering the continuous summer dry spell as per the DWD.

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