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Persistently opting for pilferage over reaping – Fruit theft remains perpetual issue

The tree-hanged apple appears tantalizingly scrumptious, the plump mirabelle invites with its juiciness, while the grapes promise a sweet delight. These temptations often entice bystanders, some of whom harbor the urge to take a bite or more. However, issues arise when excessive picking ensues.

Fruits with miraculous properties found on trees. Particularly regions near cities or popular...
Fruits with miraculous properties found on trees. Particularly regions near cities or popular biking and hiking trails experience an issue referred to as 'oral pilferage' in close proximity.

- Persistently opting for pilferage over reaping – Fruit theft remains perpetual issue

It may not be noticeable when someone occasionally plucks an apple from a tree here and there. But when this becomes a larger scale issue, it poses problems for farmers, particularly in certain regions where it's been increasingly common lately. As per the head of the Schwäbisch Hall - Hohenlohe-Rems farmers' association, Helmut Bleher, instances of large scale fruit or crop theft from private property have been reported.

Potato bags vanish, orchards left barren

Members of the association have recounted incidents where bags of potatoes left by farmers by the field's edge the previous night have disappeared by morning. "This is a substantial problem for a small farmer with only a half hectare of land," asserts Bleher. He also mentions that entire apple orchards were ransacked in the greater Heilbronn-Ohringen area by thieves at one point. The Ludwigsburg police headquarters reported two weeks ago that around 50 kilograms of mirabelle plums were pilfered from an orchard in Magstadt (part of the Böblingen circle) between early and mid-August 2024. Similarly, around 30 kilograms of plums were taken during the same period in Ehningen, also within the Ludwigsburg district. In Oberstenfeld (part of the Ludwigsburg circle), several kilograms of blackberries disappeared from bushes.

No widespread statistics on fruit theft

The exact amount of fruit, wine, or crops being stolen annually and the resulting damage is unclear, with neither the state farmers' association nor the state association for commercial fruit growing in Baden-Württemberg (LVEO) having any figures on this. However, "muggings" are a concern, especially in areas near cities or along popular cycling or hiking routes, says an LVEO spokesperson. The impact is different when 100 tourists each pick an apple from a tree compared to a lone walker taking one, says Bleher.

"The unreported figure is high," explains Simon Schumacher, chairman of the South German Asparagus and Strawberry Growers' Association (VSSE). Strawberry and vegetable growers tend to keep such incidents quiet to avoid encouragement. Instead, the association has developed a sign for its members: it depicts a masked individual with a sack over their shoulder and the message "Picking is prohibited."

Catching the thieves is often challenging when sacks of fruit or nuts disappear. Police reports can be filed, but the clearance rate is low, according to Bleher. He attributes the increase in targeted thefts to the rising food prices in recent times.

Farmers in the Sigmaringen-Biberach county farmers' association, predominantly involved in grain or maize cultivation rather than fruit production, are more concerned about the destruction caused by thieves instead. "Farmers would generally be pleased if you asked for permission first," says chairman Niklas Kreeb.

Grapes are also sometimes stolen from vineyards, but it's not quantifiable and not a significant issue, according to the chairman of the Württemberg Winegrowers' Association, Hermann Morast.

Making apricot jam, baking apple cake, or crafting a nut braid? It's possible to do this legally without upsetting farmers. One such effort is the "Yellow Ribbon" initiative, which has existed for a few years, using ribbons tied around trees to signal where picking is permitted. "Every year, a substantial amount of fruit rots away at the base and under fruit trees due to non-harvesting," writes the city of Mosbach in the Neckar-Odenwald district. This action can help reduce food waste. Several regions in the southwest also participate in this initiative. Alternatively, according to the LVEO association: Be honest and buy from farm shops, farmers' markets, or well-stocked supermarkets.

Other farmers in different regions have also reported similar issues with crop theft.These incidents of large-scale fruit or vegetable theft extend beyond just apples and potatoes, affecting various types of crops like mirabelle plums and blackberries as well.

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