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Persistent rainfall and intense thunderstorms, particularly on Saturday.

In Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia, there will be no significant thunderstorms over the weekend. Instead, meteorologists predict consistent rain and severe thunderstorms in eastern Thuringia and the Vogtland region.

A "Hochwasser - Durchfahrt verboten" (Flood - no through traffic) sign stands on Brückenstraße in...
A "Hochwasser - Durchfahrt verboten" (Flood - no through traffic) sign stands on Brückenstraße in Pirna, Saxony.

Severe Weather Alert: A Storm Is Brewing - Persistent rainfall and intense thunderstorms, particularly on Saturday.

A breath of fresh air for Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia: The storm is expected to impact these federal states milder than initially predicted, as per the latest forecasts. For Saturday, a severe thunderstorm warning is issued, according to Robert Scholz from the German Weather Service (DWD), starting from 2:00 pm. This warning applies to a few regions in southern Saxony-Anhalt, eastern Thuringia, up to the Leipzig area, and also the Vogtland. Expected is heavy rainfall later than earlier predicted on Friday night.

Light showers might cause up to 100 liters of rain to fall on a square meter on Saturday, along with persistent rain. Scholz warns, "This could leave many streets flooded and cellars filling up." However, a widespread storm situation in all three federal states is improbable. When powerful thunderstorms occur, there is a danger of lightning, overturned trees, and hail. Drivers have to anticipate aquaplaning.

The issue lies in Thuringia and the Vogtland area, as the soil is already saturated and unable to absorb more water. The rain will then flow directly into the rivers. As a result, water levels in smaller rivers and streams could potentially continue to grow.

The DWD predicts the weather will become calmer on Sunday, as the low pressure system shifts towards Poland. Although there will be showers and short thunderstorms, no further storms are anticipated, says Scholz.

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