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Persistent rain and thunderstorms may occur at the Katholikentag in Erfurt.

The ongoing weather changes have prompted the planners of the major event to pay close attention.

A seesaw in a playground is standing in water.
A seesaw in a playground is standing in water.

House of worship - Persistent rain and thunderstorms may occur at the Katholikentag in Erfurt.

Waterproof clothing becomes essential during the Catholic Day in Erfurt's capital Thuringia as heavy rains hit the city. The German Weather Service (DWD) forecast predicts more rain on Thursday and they expect this pattern to continue.

A temporary break from the downpour is expected on Friday, but starting Saturday night, a low pressure system is due to reach Erfurt. Meteorologist Cathleen Hickmann from DWD warns that this system could bring more than 100 liters of rain per square meter within 48 hours to the area. Strong rain and thunderstorms might accompany this sustained rainfall.

Britta Baas, spokesperson for the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), states that the inclement weather may even cause the low pressure system to pass over the city. The Catholic Day organizers, ZdK, are in touch with DWD and are monitoring the situation closely.

If there is a risk of severe weather, events may have to be canceled or moved indoors. So far, no events have been canceled, assures Baas. The Catholic Day organizers are using their app to keep participants updated on any changes.

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