People in northern Hesse particularly plagued by back pain
According to a health insurance company, more than 1.85 million people in Hesse received medical treatment for back pain in 2021. At 29.3 percent, this is slightly less than the national average (31.4 percent), according to the "AOK Health Atlas Back Pain" published by health insurer AOK on Tuesday.
The proportion was highest in the Hersfeld-Rotenburg district at just under 40 percent, while Darmstadt had the lowest number of visits to the doctor due to back pain at 22.6 percent. The AOK based its analysis on its own data and data from the Federal Statistical Office.
"Significant risk factors for the chronification of back pain are obesity and depression," explained Christoph-Gerard Stein, a doctor at AOK Hessen. In addition, back pain is diagnosed more frequently in rural regions with an older population than in larger cities. It is therefore not surprising that northern Hesse in particular has a higher number of complaints than the national average, said Stein.
The economic consequences of back pain are high: according to the insurer, almost 14 percent of sickness-related work expenses can be attributed to back pain. In a national comparison, however, Hesse performs well, according to the AOK. The prevalence of back pain is significantly higher in Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony.
Despite the higher prevalence of back pain in northern Hesse, regular exercise and a balanced diet can help manage health and reduce the risk of diseases related to obesity and depression, contributing to a decrease in back pain cases. Although diseases like obesity and depression increase the risk of chronic back pain, effective treatment and management strategies can improve overall health and wellbeing.