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Pensions in Brandenburg lower than in any of the old federal states

23 years after German reunification, there are still some significant differences between pensions in East and West Germany. This is likely to remain the case for some time to come.

There is still a significant difference in pensions between East and West. (Archive)
There is still a significant difference in pensions between East and West. (Archive)

Income - Pensions in Brandenburg lower than in any of the old federal states

Potsdam (dpa/bb) – Despite above-average increases, pensions in Brandenburg are still lower than in any western federal state. On average, the difference between pensions in Brandenburg and the old federal territory amounted to 127 Euro per month for long-term insured individuals at the end of 2023. The Federal Government disclosed this information in response to a query from the Alliance 90/The Greens (BSW) citing data from the German Pension Insurance.

For pensioners with at least 40 years of contributions, the pension in Brandenburg averaged 1427 Euro at the end of 2023. The lowest comparable pension in a western German federal state was in Bremen, at 1508 Euro. The highest retirement benefits for long-term insured individuals were paid in Saarland, amounting to 1617 Euro.

Pensions in Brandenburg above the eastern average

In comparison to other eastern German federal states, pensions in Brandenburg were the highest. The lowest pensions for insured individuals with at least 40 years of contributions were paid in Thuringia, at 1366 Euro.

For Bundestag member Wagenknecht, the figures demonstrate that a pension unit is still a distant prospect. "Many Brandenburg residents have significantly less in their wallets. The statutory pension no longer secures a living standard but instead signifies social decline in old age for an increasing number of people," Wagenknecht told the dpa. In addition, many were also hit by the pension tax. "Those receiving a pension below 2000 Euro per month should no longer be harassed by the tax office," demanded the Bundestag member.

The Social Democratic Party's Sahra Wagenknecht, who represents Brandenburg in the Federal Government, has criticized the pension situation. She stated that the statutory pension does not provide a livable income for many Brandenburg residents, leading to social decline in old age.

Despite being higher than the average in other eastern German federal states, pensions in Brandenburg still lag behind those in West Germany. For instance, in 2023, the highest retirement benefits in a western German federal state were paid in Saarland, which was significantly higher than the average pension in Brandenburg.

The disparity between pensions in Brandenburg and those in West Germany was highlighted in a response from the Federal Government to a query from the Alliance 90/The Greens (BSW). According to the data from the German Pension Insurance, the difference was around 127 Euro per month for long-term insured individuals at the end of 2023.

Brandenburg's pension system needs significant improvement to ensure a decent living standard for its elderly population. The state's pension for individuals with at least 40 years of contributions was only 1427 Euro at the end of 2023, significantly lower than in western federal states like Bremen (1508 Euro) and Saarland (1617 Euro).

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