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Pensioner robbed twice: Trial against 26-year-old

A 26-year-old man has been on trial at Frankfurt District Court since Tuesday for allegedly robbing an 84-year-old pensioner twice in the space of just two days. The prosecution accuses him of robbery and computer fraud. He used the bank card he stole from the senior citizen 14 times when...

A judicial officer stands in a courtroom.
A judicial officer stands in a courtroom.

Justice - Pensioner robbed twice: Trial against 26-year-old

A 26-year-old man has been on trial at Frankfurt District Court since Tuesday for allegedly robbing an 84-year-old pensioner twice in the space of just two days. The prosecution accuses him of robbery and computer fraud. He had used the bank card he stole from the senior citizen 14 times when shopping and in restaurants, causing damage of around 2,400 euros. (AZ 3260 Js 236604/22)

The crimes took place at the beginning of July in a retirement home in Frankfurt. According to the indictment, the perpetrator twisted the 84-year-old's arm in the first attack and forced him to hand over around 300 euros in cash. In the second robbery a day later, the pensioner was allegedly pushed to the ground. This time he lost his wallet with a further 220 euros and his bank card. The accused made a partial confession in court on the first day of the trial - the public prosecutor's office based the charge primarily on the interrogation of the pensioner and on various video recordings that showed the accused using the bank card immediately after the second crime.

The criminal division has scheduled another day of trial. As the public prosecutor's office announced, another robbery case is currently being conducted against the man, who has several relevant convictions.

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