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Penguin exhibit in Cuxhaven announces temporary shutdown

The global leading penguin exhibit is now off-limits to the public: The Penguin Museum in Cuxhaven is shutting down. Contrary to popular belief, this closure isn't a result of declining public attendance.

At the museum, patrons have the opportunity to behold penguins in various forms, such as plush...
At the museum, patrons have the opportunity to behold penguins in various forms, such as plush dolls and collectible figurines.

- Penguin exhibit in Cuxhaven announces temporary shutdown

The Penguin Museum in Cuxhaven is wrapping up its activities by the end of November. The team behind it, Birgit Berends and Stefan Kirchhoff, shared this closure news. Launched in 2009, this place houses a significant portion of the planet's largest penguin collection, along with special exhibits and lectures. The last operational day falls on November 2nd, Saturday.

The owners made this call in autumn, pointing to the substantial time investment as the primary factor. For close to a decade and a half, the duo has made sacrifices, like forgoing holidays and personal time, to ensure the museum's smooth functioning, which is solely financed by donations.

Unfortunately, a suitable replacement for the museum hasn't been identified yet. It's reportedly the only one of its kind globally. "It's tough but necessary – we're not spring chickens anymore and our circumstances have shifted over the years," said Stefan Kirchhoff. "If you can't manage such an establishment effectively, it's better to cease operations."

Items from the penguin collection will be put up for sale. Over 55,000 individuals have visited the museum since its launch. The museum's earnings have often been donated to animal welfare associations and institutions through a club.

Interested parties can get a piece of the museum on October 4th and November 9th. Not only the collection but also the museum furniture is up for grabs for sale. In 2021, the German Record Institute recognized the collection, boasting over 26,000 specimens, as the largest in the world. Already back then, the pair had expressed intentions to decrease the collection.

Even after the Penguin Museum's closure, its unique penguin collection will continue to leave an impact. Despite numerous museums worldwide, none can claim ownership of a similar comprehensive penguin exhibit as this one.

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