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Penalty Inflicted on Arminia Bielefeld in Ingolstadt and Aue Incidents

The end of the season doesn't mean everything wraps up. Lower league team Bielefeld is being requested to cover the actions of their fans.

Bielefelder Fans haben ein Banner mit der Aufschrift "Wir sind das Chaos" über der Tribühne...
Bielefelder Fans haben ein Banner mit der Aufschrift "Wir sind das Chaos" über der Tribühne aufgespannt.

The subject in focus here is soccer. - Penalty Inflicted on Arminia Bielefeld in Ingolstadt and Aue Incidents

Arminia Bielefeld has been hit with a €13,150 fine by the German Football Association's sports court. The association made the announcement on Wednesday. Fans of the third-division club launched three Bengalian torches during the match against FC Ingolstadt on April 5th, and at least six rockets and ten Bengalian torches during the game against Erzgebirge Aue on May 4th. Out of the fine, which Arminia has agreed to pay, €4,350 can be used for prevention measures.

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