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Pen-Berlin wants to differentiate further in the Middle East debate

Even after internal disputes over its position on current developments in the Middle East conflict, the Pen-Berlin authors' association wants to stick to its differentiated assessments. "When in doubt, we are always in favor of keeping spaces for debate open as far as possible," said the...

Writer Eva Menasse, spokesperson for the authors' association Pen-Berlin.
Writer Eva Menasse, spokesperson for the authors' association Pen-Berlin.

Literature - Pen-Berlin wants to differentiate further in the Middle East debate

Even after internal disputes over its position on current developments in the Middle East conflict, the Pen-Berlin authors' association wants to stick to its differentiated assessments. "When in doubt, we are always in favor of keeping spaces for debate open as far as possible," said the association's co-spokesperson Deniz Yücel on Saturday during the Pen Congress "Mit dem Kopf durch die Wände". "The freedom of the word also includes the freedom of the stupid word, the supposedly scandalous word, the disturbing word."

After the Hamas attack, individual members of the association accused the Pen-Berlin leadership of lacking solidarity with Israel. As a result, there were also resignations.

Pen-Berlin rejects "a blanket boycott of everything and everyone that is somehow labeled as being close to BDS. And that is precisely why we reject BDS". BDS stands for "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions". The campaign calls for a boycott of the state of Israel and Israeli products because of its actions against Palestinians.

The association was not founded as a community of opinion, said Yücel. "Rather, from the very beginning we wanted an association that was not only diverse in terms of origin, gender, orientation, age and so on, but also diverse in political terms." They are united by their commitment to freedom of expression, freedom of the press and artistic freedom, as well as "support for colleagues from all over the world who are persecuted, arrested and tortured because they have made use of these very freedoms".

Info Pen-Berlin Info Congress

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