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Pegel: Better information flow thanks to service smartphones

Communication between police officers is subject to strict data protection requirements. The new service smartphones are designed to meet these requirements. Soon, every police officer in MV will be equipped with one.

Christian Pegel, Minister of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Christian Pegel, Minister of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Police authority - Pegel: Better information flow thanks to service smartphones

The nationwide equipping of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state police force with official smartphones is to be completed shortly. As Minister of the Interior Christian Pegel (SPD) announced in Schwerin, 3000 devices have been procured so far, which were initially distributed to officers in the police stations. In a second phase, a further 1300 smartphones have been ordered. These will be allocated to members of the criminal investigation department and senior officers, among others.

The order was chosen deliberately. The mobile police devices enable officers to access relevant information at almost any location. "In addition, all police officers can connect with each other at the workplace or in the field, which is made possible by a messenger service that meets the high standards for the protection of data collected by the police," explained Pegel.

Processes could also be accelerated with the help of special apps. The minister cited the taking and transmission of photos "in a secure, official environment" as an example. Mobile searches are also no problem thanks to another app. "The processing of police matters is therefore becoming more efficient step by step, which also benefits the citizens of our country," said Pegel with conviction.

The federal and state police forces are currently undergoing radical change and are also on the way to a joint information system. Digitalization is being driven forward, the IT architecture is being standardized nationwide and the networking of police authorities is being improved. For example, an app for checking documents from the federal police also enables the state police in MV to check identity cards and passports from numerous countries as well as residence permits for authenticity.

The state association of the police union (GdP) welcomed the technical upgrade of the security forces, but complained that the pace was still too slow. "Procurement processes are complicated and usually very time-consuming. However, as technology is developing at a rapid pace today, it should come as no surprise that we often lag behind the criminals in terms of technology," explained GdP regional head Christian Schumacher.

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