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Pedestrian in hospital with injuries after car accident

A 62-year-old pedestrian was hit by a car in Berlin-Neukölln on Thursday and then taken to hospital with injuries. The woman's arms, legs and upper body were injured, police said on Friday. The car was driven by an 83-year-old man who wanted to turn left. This is when the accident occurred. The...

An arrow points the way to a hospital emergency room.
An arrow points the way to a hospital emergency room.

Accidents - Pedestrian in hospital with injuries after car accident

A 62-year-old pedestrian was hit by a car in Berlin-Neukölln on Thursday and then taken to hospital with injuries. The woman's arms, legs and upper body were injured, police said on Friday. The car was driven by an 83-year-old man who wanted to turn left. This is when the accident occurred. The police are now investigating the exact course of events. Neuköllner Straße was closed from Zwickauer Damm in the direction of Alt-Rudow Straße during the rescue operations and accident investigation.

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The 83-year-old man who caused the car accident is now facing questions from the police. Traffic in Berlin-Neukölln was heavily affected by the accident and subsequent investigation. Similar incidents have led to calls for stricter road safety measures in the city. The woman involved in the car accident was not the only injured individual on Berlin's streets that week, with reports of another traffic-related injury occurring elsewhere in the city.


