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Peaceful demonstration for environmental action at Frankfurt's airport

At a French airport demonstration, the 'Last Generation' opts for an alternate approach compared to July, discarding the use of adhesive.

To avoid climate catastrophe, unrestrained liberty is necessary" - A musician created "Beyond the...
To avoid climate catastrophe, unrestrained liberty is necessary" - A musician created "Beyond the Clouds"

- Peaceful demonstration for environmental action at Frankfurt's airport

Individuals clad in safety vests and waving banners took over Frankfurt Airport, pressuring for amplified measures in environmental conservation. Around a dozen individuals assembled tranquilly in Terminal 1, their signs conveying messages like "Fossil fuels are lethal", "Reject fiscal aid to fossil fuels", and "Truth about climate change instead of penalization".

As per a representative, this disturbance wasn't targeted at tourists, but at authorities. "It's not about vacations. It's about the administration." The demonstrators echoed in unison, "Attention passengers: Fossil fuels are lethal. Keep your government under surveillance." A musician strumming a guitar performed an altered version of Reinhard Mey's "Flying Over the Clouds", "In the environmental catastrophe, liberty should have no limits."

Law enforcement officers monitored the scene, maintaining a safe distance. The majority of travelers disregarded the spectacle. On July 25th, earlier, demonstrators from "The Last Generation" had manage to infiltrate the airport's secured regions, pasting themselves to the main runways' control towers, causing a brief halt to airport operations.

The demonstrators specifically identified Frankfurt Airport as their venue, expressing their concerns about environmental conservation. Despite the disruption, many passengers chose to ignore the protest, focusing on their upcoming travels.

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