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Payment of EU agricultural funds: Farmers' association relieved

The Thuringian Farmers' Association has welcomed the disbursement of EU funds to Thuringian farmers before the end of 2023. "The payment that has now been made has taken a huge burden off the shoulders of farmers," said association president Klaus Wagner in a statement on Saturday. Many farmers...

A farmer sows seeds in the soil.
A farmer sows seeds in the soil.

Subsidies - Payment of EU agricultural funds: Farmers' association relieved

The Thuringian Farmers' Association has welcomed the disbursement of EU funds to Thuringian farmers before the end of 2023. "The payment that has now been made has taken a huge burden off the shoulders of farmers," said association president Klaus Wagner in a statement on Saturday. Many farmers had been worried that they would lack the necessary liquidity at the beginning of the year.

Wagner also praised the efforts of the Thuringian Ministry of Agriculture and the authorities, who had made every effort to ensure timely payment: "Particularly in light of the concerns about the Federal Government's planned abolition of the agricultural diesel refund and the end of the green license plate, the punctual payment in Thuringia is a sign of reliability in troubled times."

The German government wants to abolish tax breaks for farmers for agricultural diesel and vehicle tax in order to plug holes in the budget. Farmers have recently repeatedly demonstrated against the plans, sometimes obstructing traffic with tractors.

Agricultural and forestry vehicles are currently exempt from vehicle tax and have a license plate with green letters and numbers. Farmers currently only pay around half the tax rate for agricultural diesel.

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