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Pax Europa plans additional happenings.

Attack with a knife on individuals by the Islam-disapproving group, Pax Europa, leaves audiences in shock. The organization refuses to be deterred by such acts.

The lettering "BPE Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa" can be seen on the roof of a stand.
The lettering "BPE Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa" can be seen on the roof of a stand.

Group opposed to Islam - Pax Europa plans additional happenings.

With a knife attack in Mannheim still fresh on their minds, the Islam-critical group Pax Europa remains unafraid and intends to keep participating in public gatherings. In a chat with the German Press Agency, Pax Europa's treasurer Stefanie Kizina mentioned that they are planning a booth at Katharinenstraße in Dortmund's city center for this coming Saturday (8th of June). She expects the police to ramp up security precautions. Unlike most groups, Pax Europa doesn't have its own security squad.

The injured board member Michael Stürzenberger, however, stirs hope within the group. "He'll definitely continue," Kizina said. But for Stürzenberger to rejoin the group's upcoming plans, his serious injuries from the recent incident must heal first before he's discharged from the hospital.

On the previous Friday, a man knifed six individuals attending an Islam-critical protest in Mannheim, including a police officer. Based on reports, the officer is in critical condition while the culprit has been neutralized and unable to answer questions from the authorities. This information was shared on Saturday morning.

Read also:

  1. The incident in Mannheim has sparked concerns across Europe, with many news outlets in Germany and beyond reporting on the knife attack as a disturbing example of extremism.
  2. In response to the crime, police in Düsseldorf and Baden-Württemberg have increased their surveillance of activities related to Pax Europa, fearing further instances of violence.
  3. Meanwhile, Stefanie Kizina has emphasized that Pax Europa continues to advocate for their beliefs peacefully, emphasizing that their message is not one of violence but of critical dialogue about Islam.
  4. The crime has highlighted the dangers of extremism in Germany and Europe, prompting calls for increased security measures at public gatherings and protests to prevent similar attacks from occurring in the future.
  5. Despite the heightened tension, Pax Europa has announced that they plan to establish a booth in several cities across Europe, including a stop in Cologne, Hamburg, and Vienna, to spread their message of criticism towards Islam.
  6. The German Press Agency has reported that the police in those cities have also been alerted to the potential for further violence and are taking proactive measures to ensure the safety of the public and protestors.

