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Paus sees agreement on the budget as a signal of the coalition's ability to act

Federal Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus (Greens) has welcomed the agreement reached by the coalition leaders on the 2024 budget. It is good that the coalition has managed to find a solution, said Paus in the RTL and ntv program "Frühstart". "The traffic light coalition is capable of...


Paus sees agreement on the budget as a signal of the coalition's ability to act

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD), Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) reached an agreement on the 2024 budget on Wednesday morning after days of negotiations. There was a double-digit billion gap in the budget as a result of the Federal Constitutional Court's budget ruling.

A lot depends on the budget, especially in the economy, and everyone needs planning security, said Paus. "That's why we are all very happy that this breakthrough has now been achieved."

Paus did not assume that there would be any cuts to the basic child protection scheme in the budget. The project is in the parliamentary consultation process. "Basic child protection will come, and basic child protection was not even up for debate."

Postponing the planned start at the beginning of 2025 would not save any money, emphasized Paus. The fact that the federal government had issued a statement on a possible postponement had no budgetary reasons. The employment agency and the Federal Council had asked the ministry to think about the timetable. Discussions are now being held with the Employment Agency on "how we can get the basic child benefit scheme up and running quickly and safely".

The Minister also assumes that the newly proposed upper limits of 200,000 euros and then 175,000 euros for parental allowance will not change. "As far as I know, there are no new developments, no changes."

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