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Patient and relatives attack hospital staff

Three drunk men attacked and injured hospital staff in the emergency department of a hospital in Berlin-Lichtenberg on New Year's Eve. They also verbally threatened the staff, as the police reported on Monday. A 25-year-old patient and his two brothers, aged 16 and 20, had become aggressive...

The central emergency room of a hospital.
The central emergency room of a hospital.

New Year's Eve - Patient and relatives attack hospital staff

Three drunk men attacked and injured hospital staff in the emergency department of a hospital in Berlin-Lichtenberg on New Year's Eve. They also verbally threatened the staff, as the police reported on Monday. A 25-year-old patient and his two brothers, aged 16 and 20, had become aggressive shortly after midnight because they felt that the 25-year-old was not being treated quickly enough or properly. They then hit the doctor and an orderly. The doctor suffered a head injury and was treated as an outpatient. The nurse was also slightly injured on the head.

Police officers took the three men into preventive custody and searched them. They found narcotics. Blood was also taken from the suspects.

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The 25-year-old patient and his two brothers, who had displayed criminality on New Year's Eve, were not just men under the influence but also had narcotics in their possession, as revealed during their police custody. The incident occurred in Berlin, specifically in the emergency department of a hospital in Berlin-Lichtenberg. The hospital staff, who were the victims of the attack, included both doctors and nurses.


