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Pastewka: "You have to bang something in front of the audience"

Comedian Bastian Pastewka doesn't believe in basing art too much on the supposed tastes of the audience. "Looking at what the audience wants is always wrong, I think. You have to put something in front of the audience," the 51-year-old told the German Press Agency. "Catering to everyone's taste...

Oliver Welke (l) and Bastian Pastewka in the studio of their ZDF show "Welke & Pastewka
Oliver Welke (l) and Bastian Pastewka in the studio of their ZDF show "Welke & Pastewka - Wiedersehen macht Freude!".

People - Pastewka: "You have to bang something in front of the audience"

Comedian Bastian Pastewka doesn't believe in basing art too much on the supposed tastes of the audience. "Looking at what the audience wants is always wrong, I think. You have to put something in front of the audience," the 51-year-old told the German Press Agency. "Catering to everyone's taste - that can never work. Someone will always say: "I didn't like it" or "I feel excluded." That's in the nature of things."

It's okay to take a good tip with you. However, he knows of comedians who measure the success of their show less by the number of tickets sold and more by the number of likes. "They are also very quick to try and adapt their content, their act and their form to these user comments. And I think that's wrong," said Pastewka.

Another tip from the comedian: never underestimate the audience. "When in doubt, they are much smarter than you," said Pastewka. He shares this attitude with his colleague Oliver Welke (57), with whom he is presenting a show on curiosities from 60 years of television at the turn of the year.

Welke said that ideally, the editorial team should have a kind of cross-section and not just process their own socialization over and over again. "Of course, you also have to allow other world views and age groups. But if you do that, there can only be one criterion: "Do we like it ourselves or not?", he said.

The two episodes of "Welke & Pastewka - Wiedersehen macht Freude!" will be available in the ZDF media library from December 29. They will be broadcast linearly on ZDF on December 29 and January 5 (both at 10:30 p.m.).

ZDF press release

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