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Parties call for the CDU to clearly distance itself from the AfD

Following the local elections, majorities have shifted in many places. County councils and city councils have just convened for their first meetings. There are surprises when it comes to the election of presiding officers.

The AfD received the most votes in many municipalities. For the other parties, the question arises...
The AfD received the most votes in many municipalities. For the other parties, the question arises as to what extent they will support a chairman in the local parliaments. (archive picture)

Local elections in Saxony-Anhalt - Parties call for the CDU to clearly distance itself from the AfD

In Sachsen-Anhalt, parties demand a clearer distinction of the CDU from the AfD in municipal representations. "In light of the latest incidents, where CDU factions have elected AfD representatives as chairpersons in communal councils, the SPD calls for a clear separation from right-wing parties," the SPD Landesvorstand stated in a public appeal to the CDU.

Elections in municipal representations are political decisions and require a clear separation. The CDU must consistently implement the resolution for a "firewall against the right." The Left also criticized recently that AfD councilors were allegedly elected with votes from the CDU in communal chairmanships.

AfD councilors elected

Following the municipal elections, where the AfD received the most votes in numerous communes and districts at the beginning of June, the constituent sessions of city councils and district councils are currently taking place. In several places, including Stendal, Mansfeld, and the Salzlandkreis, AfD councilors were elected with more votes than the party has seats.

In Sachsen-Anhalt's second largest city, Halle, the AfD's proposal for the prestigious post failed, however, despite the AfD having received the most votes in the election.

The CDU defends the voting behavior of its members in the communes. "In the communes, the power relations have shifted," says the General Secretary of the CDU Sachsen-Anhalt, Mario Karschunke. "For us, it is important that we remain open for dialogue on substantive issues and make decisions in the interest of citizens." The firewall stands firm.

  1. The SPD in Sachsen-Anhalt has advocated for a clear delimitation between the CDU and the AfD in municipal representations, citing instances where CDU factions have elected AfD representatives as chairpersons in communal councils.
  2. In some municipalities, such as Stendal, Mansfeld, and the Salzlandkreis, AfD councilors were elected with more votes than their party has seats after the recent local elections, a situation that has raised concerns about the separation of politics in these regions.
  3. Despite the AfD receiving the most votes in Halle's municipal elections, their proposal for a prestigious post was unsuccessful in the city, highlighting the complex dynamics of political representation at the local level.
  4. The CDU in Sachsen-Anhalt has defended the voting behavior of its members in the communes, emphasizing the importance of maintaining open dialogue and making decisions in the interest of citizens, while continuing to uphold the resolution for a "firewall against the right."

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