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Partial rerun of the Bundestag election in Berlin on February 11

The Bundestag election 2021 in Berlin, which was marred by mishaps, must be repeated in part. This has been decided by the Federal Constitutional Court. The date has now also been set.

Polling assistants count ballot papers for the Bundestag election at a polling station.
Polling assistants count ballot papers for the Bundestag election at a polling station.

Bundestag - Partial rerun of the Bundestag election in Berlin on February 11

The 2021 Bundestag election will be repeated in the affected Berlin constituencies on February 11. The date for the partial rerun was announced by state returning officer Stephan Bröchler on Tuesday in Karlsruhe. Bröchler wanted to officially publish this date in the official gazette on the same day.

Previously, the Federal Constitutional Court had ruled that people in a good fifth of Berlin's 2256 electoral districts could vote again on election day after numerous mishaps. The background to this was an electoral review complaint lodged with the Constitutional Court by the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag. (Ref. 2 BvC 4/23)

Following the decision by the judges in Karlsruhe, concrete planning can now begin, said Bröchler. "So for us, the implementation steps for the repeat election, for the successful repeat election - that is our goal." The ruling is complex, but contains helpful information. He has already drawn conclusions from the many mishaps of the 2021 election - which took place before his term of office. Many things have been changed, emphasized Bröchler.

Election day on September 26, 2021 was chaotic at many polling stations in Berlin: People had to wait a long time and queue, ballot papers were incorrect or missing altogether. Polling stations had to close temporarily or remained open until well after 6 p.m. - the time when voting should actually be over. This is when the first result forecasts are usually made.

State election director Bröchler had already mentioned February 11, 2024 as a conceivable date for the repeat election weeks ago. This is the last Sunday before school starts again in Berlin after the winter vacations. There is a deadline of 60 days after the ruling within which a new election must be held.

Due to the mishaps on September 26, 2021, the Berlin Constitutional Court had declared the election to the House of Representatives, which took place at the same time, invalid due to "serious systemic deficiencies" and numerous electoral errors. This election was completely repeated on February 12, 2023 - with the result that a black-red coalition replaced the three-party alliance of SPD, Greens and Left Party, which had governed since 2016.

Announcement by the court Negotiation breakdown Decision by the Bundestag Information from the Bundestag on the topic

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