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Partial power disruptions occur in Bavaria.

Flooding in Bavaria results in power disruptions in certain districts, according to Bavaria's Economic Affairs Minister Hubert Aiwanger of the Freie Wähler party, based in Munich. The areas of Günzburg, Augsburg, Dillingen and Unterallgäu within LEW Verteilnetz GmbH's network are experiencing...

Aerial photographs show the Ilm river having burst its banks.
Aerial photographs show the Ilm river having burst its banks.

Inundation Overwhelms Region - Partial power disruptions occur in Bavaria.

In the Bayernwerk Netz GmbH network, the area with the most disturbances is currently in Upper Bavaria. The regions Hardest hit are Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm district and the northern part of Freising district (Allershausen). Reichertshofen station is also powerless. While the population's power supply can mostly be maintained using alternate connections, complicated by the water outages, according to Aiwanger.

"Power outages are occurring primarily along rivers, and from an electrical network perspective, they are manageable," said Aiwanger. "To the extent possible, the responsible distribution operators are attempting to maintain power through switches to other lines. There are no current expectations for widespread power failures."

He also warned that people should stay away from flooded buildings or areas close to power lines. Electrical installations and equipment such as house connection boxes, distribution boards, and meter boxes can pose a threat during water damage, especially those in the basement.

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