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Partial flooding expected over Christmas

Experts expect water levels to rise significantly in some places over the course of Saturday. In some places, even the highest levels are possible into the night of Christmas Eve. Authorities are keeping an eye on the situation.

Weather - Partial flooding expected over Christmas

Persistent rain has caused water levels to rise in many of Thuringia's rivers. "The amount of precipitation today has been somewhat less than expected, but we expect some gauges to reach reporting level 2 in the afternoon," said Nils Fröhlich, spokesman for the State Office for the Environment, referring to the situation on Saturday. During the course of the night, it is even conceivable that several gauges will reach peak levels. "Then reporting level 3 is reached and there is a veritable flood ", said Fröhlich.

By midday on Saturday, two water levels had already reached reporting level 1: water was already overflowing the banks of the Unstrut near Oldisleben in the Kyffhäuserkreis district. In southern Thuringia, the Hinternah gauge on the Nahe near Schleusingen (district of Hildburghausen) had also reached the first reporting level by midday on Saturday.

According to Fröhlich, the water levels at the Ammern gauge on the Unstrut near Mühlhausen could also still rise sharply. In Nordhausen, the authorities are mainly keeping an eye on the development of the water level of the Zorge, which flows through the town.

According to Fröhlich, it could be well into Christmas Day before the situation eases and the water drains away. The consequences of even severe flooding always depend on the local conditions, Fröhlich emphasized. In areas where flooding occurs or is imminent, the authorities are aware of the situation and are prepared with sandbags, for example.

The flood warning system has a multi-stage structure. If the water levels exceed certain values, the first step is to issue a warning. This is regarded as an advance warning level for an imminent flood. At reporting level 1, the responsible authorities respond with control services at bridges and culverts, for example. A permanent watch and control service keeps an eye on the situation at weirs, dams and other facilities from warning level 2. Active flood defense then follows from reporting level 3 - i.e. very large floods with significant flooding.

Flood information center Thuringia

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