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Parliamentarians' salaries increase in January

Members of the House of Representatives will receive more money from January 1. As the "Tagesspiegel" reported on Sunday, the administration informed the 159 MPs on Friday of an increase of 4.9 percent. This means that next year's gross expense allowance will be 7249 euros. Currently it is 6910...

House of Representatives - Parliamentarians' salaries increase in January

Members of the House of Representatives will receive more money from January 1. As the "Tagesspiegel" reported on Sunday, the administration informed the 159 MPs on Friday of an increase of 4.9 percent. This means that next year's gross expense allowance will be 7249 euros. Currently it is 6910 euros. It must be taxed.

There was initially no confirmation of the figures on Sunday. However, the state parliamentary law stipulates that the parliamentarians' allowances are automatically adjusted to the development of earnings on January 1. The benchmark is the so-called nominal wage index, which is determined by the Berlin-Brandenburg Statistical Office.

According tothe "Tagesspiegel" newspaper, in addition to the monthly allowance, the general expenses allowance to which every MP is entitled will be increased by 4.2 percent. Instead of the current 3055 euros per month, MPs would then have 3184 euros per month available for expenses such as office rent, while MPs without an office would have 1000 euros less. The lump sum for employing up to four members of staff per MP would increase from 7125 to 7325 euros per month.

Report in the Tagesspiegel from 3.12.2023 Link to the state MP law

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