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Parents sentenced for causing starvation in their children.

Two girls went without proper sustenance for months before being placed under the supervision of youth welfare services. As a result, their parents now face legal consequences. What led to this situation?

View of the Moers district court.
View of the Moers district court.

Refining a concept or idea through operations. - Parents sentenced for causing starvation in their children.

In the Lower Rhine region, parents have been convicted and sentenced to prison for intentionally starving their two young daughters. The father received a punishment of three and a half years and the mother got two years and nine months at the Courthouse in Moers. The judge believes the parents deliberately neglected their children, possibly over an extended period of time. When authorities intervened in 2021, both girls were critically ill due to malnutrition. Their parents claimed they felt overwhelmed by the responsibility of caring for their children. The sentences are not yet legally finalized.

During the trial, doctors described the harrowing condition of the two girls. They had difficulty walking and speaking, needing to relearn how to handle solid food. Their stomachs were distended, resembling children from starving nations. The two-year-old weighed only 8.4 kilograms and the almost four-year-old weighed 10.2 kilograms. They initially required feeding tubes.

The duration of the family's desperate situation remained unclear. For certain, they had suffered severe malnutrition for at least several months, according to doctors. Danger signs also indicated that they were ignored for extended periods in their cots.

The parents confessed to some of the charges. The father remarked in his final statement, "I have been a complete failure." He admitted he hadn't cooked often enough, only preparing soups and baby food due to the children's digestive issues.

Judge: Malicious Denial of Food

Yet, this did not lead to the extreme malnutrition, argued the medical professionals present. They concluded that the parents deliberately deprived their children of food and attention. "There was food available," noted the presiding judge. "The cupboard was full."

The judge labeled the parents' behavior as "significant selfishness." Prioritizing their own need for rest over their children's well-being, they likely denied them care and sustenance. The court viewed this as "malicious." Before it became clear the children would not return home, the parents cleared their room and transformed it into a gaming suite.

The defense strongly denied the accusation of malice. The lawyers for both parents argued they were overwhelmed by the situation. However, the court saw it differently.

Currently, the girls are living with foster families. They exhibit bloating, despite this, doctors predict the impact of malnutrition and neglect will likely last throughout their lives.

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