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Parents' association calls for change after Pisa results

Following the sharp drop in the performance of German pupils in the international comparative study Pisa, the Bavarian Parents' Association (BEV) has called for swift and comprehensive consequences. What is needed is a "rethink of a flexible, efficient and equitable education system - from...

Education - Parents' association calls for change after Pisa results

Following the sharp drop in the performance of German pupils in the international comparative study Pisa, the Bavarian Parents' Association (BEV) has called for swift and comprehensive consequences. What is needed is a "rethink of a flexible, efficient and equitable education system - from early childhood education to university degrees". A start must be made immediately. "Continuing as before or postponing it would be tantamount to our society unconditionally surrendering to extremists and populists," said BEV state chairman Martin Löwe on Wednesday evening.

Contrary to the fine-sounding assurances in Sunday speeches, dilapidated school buildings and a lack of teaching staff and resources were evidence of the low esteem in which politicians held general education.

The natural curiosity and thus the desire to learn is innate in humans. Brain research confirms that people learn more sustainably when they have acquired something themselves and found it useful. "However, there is not enough space for this in view of overcrowded curricula, a lack of resources in our schools and stressed parents," says Löwe. "This is how we manage to drive the desire to learn out of children right from the start of their school career."

What's more, education was previously seen as the key to prosperity. Now, people with the highest number of clicks are increasingly becoming role models for young people; influencers, for example, who can apparently earn millions even without a school-leaving qualification. "Young people are rightly asking themselves why they should bother with school when they could become rich or famous without a school-leaving certificate," said Löwe. Schools must be able to plausibly answer the question of why education is necessary and how important it still is today.

Read also:

  1. The Bavarian Parents' Association (BEV) advocated for changes in the education system after German pupils performed poorly in the PISA study, specifically calling for a reevaluation of the education system from early childhood education in Bavaria, such as in Munich, to university degrees in Pisa.
  2. Löwe, the state chairman of BEV, pointed out that overcrowded curricula, a lack of resources in schools, and stressed parents hinder the natural curiosity and desire to learn, leading to the suppression of learning motivation in children starting from their first days in German schools.
  3. Criticizing the changing societal values, Löwe argued that influencers who can make money or gain fame without a school-leaving certificate pose a challenge to traditional education in Bavarian schools, making it important for schools to demonstrate the importance of education and its relevance in today's society, particularly in comparison to the digital success stories presented in Pisa.




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