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Pandemic, war, excessive demands: Mental health suffers

Everyday worries and global conflicts put a strain on the soul. When it becomes too much, people become mentally ill. The number of admissions has increased in NRW.

A man sits in front of a window.
A man sits in front of a window.

Psychology - Pandemic, war, excessive demands: Mental health suffers

The number of treatments for mental disorders is increasing. This trend, which has been confirmed in national and international studies as well as by health insurance companies, also applies to North Rhine-Westphalia. This was stated by Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) in a report to the specialist committee of the Düsseldorf state parliament. At the same time, reports of long waiting times for psychotherapy are increasing throughout Germany. This Wednesday, the Health Committee will be looking at mental health in NRW.

Laumann outlined a worrying development: the challenges of recent years and uncertainties have led to noticeable mental stress among citizens. The coronavirus pandemic, wars and conflicts, as well as worries about the future and stress, are all contributing to this.

From 2017 to 2021, the number of admissions for mental illness in NRW rose by 18% to 26,405. The rate of cases of incapacity for work due to this has climbed from 5.1 percent in 2011 to 8.0 percent in 2021. For employees aged 60 and over, it was even 10.8 percent in 2021.

Mental illness continues to be the most common cause of early retirement due to illness in NRW - although this figure fell by 3,813 to around 14,000 cases between 2011 and 2021.

In outpatient care in NRW, depression is the most common mental illness both in the 60+ age group (15 percent) and in the 25-59 age group (around 12 percent). According to Laumann's report, the increasing need for therapy poses major challenges for the entire healthcare system.

Almost all planning areas for psychotherapists in NRW have a coverage rate of over 110 percent on paper and are therefore closed for further branches. However, this mathematically good supply situation is at odds with the waiting times.

The NRW Ministry of Health has therefore used a legal instrument to designate additional branches in rural planning areas or structurally weak districts that are actually already closed.

Report by the Minister of Health

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