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Panda twins Pit and Paule receive commemorative plaque at Berlin Zoo

A plaque at Berlin Zoo now commemorates the panda twins Pit and Paule, who were born there. A few days before their departure to China, Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) unveiled the plaque on Friday together with the Chinese ambassador Wu Ken, which commemorates the first offspring of...

Pit and Paule on their fourth birthday on August 31,
Pit and Paule on their fourth birthday on August 31,

Panda twins Pit and Paule receive commemorative plaque at Berlin Zoo

Wegner explained: "We have to say goodbye to the two panda bears Pit and Paule, who have brought a lot of joy to Berliners and many tourists in recent years." It was a great success for Berlin Zoo that the rearing of the animals born in 2019 had been so successful and that they could now return to China.

Ambassador Wu explained that China is working tirelessly to ensure the survival and prosperity of this majestic species. "We would like to thank Zoo Berlin for their support in this important and great task."

Zoo Director Andreas Knierim explained that the Chinese colleagues in Berlin had taught him a great deal about the conservation breeding of giant pandas. "This shared passion for the protection of endangered species and joint scientific research is building bridges between our countries."

Frank Bruckmann, head of the zoo's supervisory board, explained that Pit and Paule should continue to help raise awareness of species conservation in the future as "likeable ambassadors".

The panda twins are due to leave in mid-December and will then live at the breeding and research base for giant pandas in Chengu. The exact date of the trip will not be made public. Despite their birth in Germany, Pit and Paule are still in China's possession because their parents, who live in Berlin Zoo, are also only on long-term loan from China. It was agreed that the panda offspring would move to China.

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