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Panama's Mulino announced as unofficial victor in the presidential race.

José Raúl Mulino, a past right-wing public security minister, emerged as the unofficial victor of Panama's presidential election on Sunday, according to the nation's electoral commission.

Voters walk inside a polling station during a general election in Panama City, Sunday, May 5, 2024
Voters walk inside a polling station during a general election in Panama City, Sunday, May 5, 2024

Panama's Mulino announced as unofficial victor in the presidential race.

In this recent election, with approximately 90% of the votes counted, Mulino earned around 34% of the ballots. His chief competitor, Ricardo Lombana, garnered approximately 25% of the votes.

Mulino intends to revive the country's prosperity and address the issue of high unemployment by offering incentives for private companies to hire using government funds. Panama, a nation with a population of 4.4 million, has had a prominent role in international trade and migration. Despite its promising position, Panama faces numerous challenges including sky-high inflation, joblessness, corruption, and inadequate water resources.

In his acceptance speech, Mulino spoke of the significance of the public's decision, commenting, "I embrace these results, representing the preference of the majority of Panamanian voters, which I will assume with great responsibility and humility as a Panamanian."

Earlier, Mulino was the vice-presidential candidate for former President Ricardo Martinelli. However, Martinelli's imprisonment for money laundering (a sentence of 11 years) caused him to move to the top of the ticket. Currently, Martinelli has taken refuge in the Nicaraguan embassy in Panama's capital, Panama City, after seeking asylum following his sentencing. Although far away, Martinelli has exerted his influence on the election nonetheless, endorsing and supporting his ex-vice-presidential candidate publicly.

During his victory address, Mulino thanked his former president, "To Ricardo Martinelli: my friend, you've accomplished your mission. When you invited me to join you as vice president, I never dreamed this could happen, but it was my time, and I took it on with great responsibility and humility."

Experts have referred to this election as "the most important since the US invasion in 1989." Mulino will assume leadership of a country that is deeply divided and fraught with political unrest and uncertainty.

Panama's economy has significantly slowed over the past few years. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts a meager economic growth of 2.5% in 2023, down from 7.3% in 2022. In March, credit agency Fitch downgraded Panama's credit rating to its lowest level, labeling Panama's economic conditions as "junk," citing "fiscal and governance challenges" after they witnessed the closure of Panama's largest mine in 2022.

Mulino has vowed to dismantle the Darien Gap, a treacherous section of forestland beginning in Panama that has become a major thoroughfare for migrants attempting to reach the US. Over 500,000 migrants, mostly Venezuelans, crossed through the Darian Gap in the year 2023, according to the Panamanian government, which is more than double the amount of migrants from 2022.

The US has been tirelessly collaborating with officials in Panama and Colombia (where the jungle ends) to attempt to block this route. Nevertheless, Mulino hasn't clarified how he would shut the jungle to migrants.

Importantly, water scarcity has become a major consideration for citizens during this election, according to analysts. Droughts amplified by the El Nino effect have impacted access to clean drinking water in certain regions and diminished the capacity of the Panama Canal, a fundamental facet of the country's GDP.

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Mulino acknowledged the significant role of the Americas in Panama's history, stating, "Our country's relations with the Americas have been vital to our growth and progress, and I will work diligently to maintain and strengthen these bonds."

During his inaugural address, Mulino emphasized the importance of addressing global issues, such as migration, stating, "As the unofficial leader of a nation situated at the crossroads of the world and the Americas, I am committed to addressing global challenges, including migration, with a vision of unity and cooperation."


