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Palmer wants to run for the Free Voters in local elections

According to media reports, Tübingen's Lord Mayor Boris Palmer (non-party) wants to campaign for the Free Voters in the district of Tübingen in the local elections in Baden-Württemberg next June. According to the reports, the 51-year-old is to become active for the Free Voters' parliamentary...

Boris Palmer (non-party), Mayor of Tübingen, speaks during an interview in the city center.
Boris Palmer (non-party), Mayor of Tübingen, speaks during an interview in the city center.

Media reports - Palmer wants to run for the Free Voters in local elections

According to media reports, Tübingen's Lord Mayor Boris Palmer (non-party) wants to campaign for the Free Voters in the district of Tübingen in the local elections in Baden-Württemberg next June. According to the reports, the 51-year-old is to become active for the Free Voters' parliamentary group in the Tübingen district council. Palmer did not comment on this when asked on Sunday. Instead, he referred to a press conference on Monday at the district administration office in Tübingen. The "Schwäbisches Tagblatt" (Saturday) had reported first.

Thomas Hölsch, parliamentary group leader of the Free Voters in the district of Tübingen, told the newspaper: "It is part of our DNA to have non-partisan and locally active mayors in our ranks." Palmer "approached us" in early summer.

SWR also quoted Hölsch as saying: "I think he fits in well with our team". The Free Voters are independent of political parties and only committed to the local cause. "With us, everyone is allowed to contribute their own ideas." In addition, there is no pressure to join a political group in the association - "everyone can decide according to their knowledge and conscience". The state association of the Free Voters of Baden-Württemberg is an association and not a party.

Palmer (51) has been Lord Mayor of Tübingen since 2007 and has repeatedly caused offense with his political statements. His statements on refugee policy, for example, have often caused controversy and he has also been accused of racism. However, his management during the coronavirus pandemic and his municipal environmental policy attracted nationwide attention and recognition.

In May of this year, the controversial politician resigned from the Green Party following a scandal over the use of the N-word at a migration conference in Frankfurt. His membership had previously been suspended due to other controversial statements.

Information on the Free Voters in the district of Tübingen Information on the state association of the Free Voters of Baden-Württemberg

Read also:

  1. Boris Palmer, the non-party Lord Mayor of Tübingen, aims to participate in the Free Voters' campaign for the upcoming local elections in the Baden-Württemberg district of Tübingen next June.
  2. As reported by the "Schwäbisches Tagblatt", Thomas Hölsch, the parliamentary group leader of the Free Voters in the Tübingen district council, welcomes Palmer's interest, stating, "It's part of our DNA to have non-partisan and locally active mayors in our ranks."
  3. Palmer's potential switch to the Free Voters has received positive feedback from Hölsch, who believes Palmer "fits in well with our team" due to the group's commitment to local causes and freedom of contribution.
  4. In the local elections, Boris Palmer, the 51-year-old Lord Mayor of the historic German municipality of Tübingen, intends to represent the Free Voters in the district council, joining the ranks of independent voters committed to local causes and governed by their own ideas and consciences.
  5. The local election in the Tübingen district of Baden-Württemberg will see notable participation from Boris Palmer, who has drawn controversy for his statements on refugee policy and accusations of racism, but also earned acclaim for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and environmental initiatives.
  6. With his decision to run for the Free Voters in the local elections, Boris Palmer hopes to continue shaping the political landscape of Tübingen, championing local issues and contributing ideas as a non-party candidate in the municipality's district council.


