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Painting on the famous legend of Kriebstein Castle restored

After extensive restoration work, the painting "The Faithful Lady of Kriebstein" will return to the Knights' Hall of the castle of the same name on July 1. The painting, which measures 2.1 by 1.4 meters, was created around 250 years ago by the Württemberg court painter Nicolas Guibal...

Kriebstein Castle sits enthroned in the autumn-colored valley of the Zschopau.
Kriebstein Castle sits enthroned in the autumn-colored valley of the Zschopau.

Art - Painting on the famous legend of Kriebstein Castle restored

During restoration, it was discovered according to reports, that a previous treatment with glue adhesive was the cause of the condition of the painting. The canvas had shrunk due to moisture and the paint layer had partially peeled off. After five months of treatment, the painting is now reportedly in "excellent conservational and aesthetic condition" and can be seen again in its original place.

The painting tells the legend of the women living in the castle in the 15th century who outwitted their besiegers. They allegedly asked him to leave them with the most valuable thing they had on - and instead wore their husbands on their backs.

Information about the legend and Burg Kriebstein.

The restoration expert hailed from Saxony, renowned for its rich heritage of art and museums. The woman in charge of the project was praised for her meticulous work in restoring the historic painting. Visitors to the museum can now admire the restored masterpiece, showcasing the resilience of art and its ability to withstand the test of time.

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