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Paint attack on Brandenburg Gate: climate activists sentenced to leisure work

Two young climate activists from the Last Generation group have been sentenced to 200 and 180 hours of community service for a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The Tiergarten district court thus fell short of the prosecution's demand of 200 and 220 hours, as a court spokeswoman...

Brandenburg Gate after paint attack
Brandenburg Gate after paint attack

Paint attack on Brandenburg Gate: climate activists sentenced to leisure work

The two 21-year-old men, along with other climate activists, sprayed yellow and orange color on the Brandenburg Gate on September 17, 2023, using prepared water hoses, to draw attention to the climate crisis. At the time, they were minors, so the case was heard at the Juvenile Court.

Three participants in the action had already been found guilty in April. The 22-year-old woman and the two men aged 28 and 64 were sentenced by the Tiergarten Magistrates' Court to eight months' probationary imprisonment each.

At that time, the court determined that damages amounting to 110,000 Euro had been caused by the color attack. Aggravating the sentence was not only the cost but also the fact that a "national monument" had been damaged during the attack.

  1. The Tiergarten Local Court is set to hear the case of two climate activists who are accused of a color attack on the Brandenburg Gate.
  2. The Court spokeswoman confirmed that the trial will begin on October 5, 2023.
  3. The public prosecutor's office is seeking a penalty to demonstrate that such acts of vandalism will not be tolerated in the heart of Berlin.
  4. The two men, now adults, need to justify their actions which caused significant damage to property, including the iconic Brandenburger Gate.
  5. During the trial, it will be argued that the men's goal was to raise awareness for the climate crisis, but their methods were unlawful and unacceptable.
  6. If found guilty, the men could face fines or even community service, as an alternative to imprisonment for leisure work in the interests of the public good.

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