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Own pool trend among homeowners

There has been no dry heat so far this summer. However, an analysis of real estate advertisements shows that many homeowners still find it attractive to have their own swimming pool.

Luxury in your own garden: The proportion of houses with their own pool has increased in real...
Luxury in your own garden: The proportion of houses with their own pool has increased in real estate advertisements, according to a study.

Real estate - Own pool trend among homeowners

One's own swimming pool in Germany apparently is in trend: According to an analysis by real estate portal Immoscout 24, the proportion of houses for sale with a swimming pool has more than tripled in the last ten years - although from a low base: It rose from 1.4 percent in 2014 to a recent high of 5.4 percent. The company compared 350,000 ads for houses for sale and for rent from this year and 2014.

Surprisingly high was the proportion of houses for sale with a pool in this year, with 12 percent each in Berlin and the neighboring districts of Havelland and Barnim.

However, the highest proportion nationwide, almost one third, is in Bad Dürrenberg in Rhineland-Palatinate. The inhabitants of the commune located on the edge of the Palatine Forest and known for its vineyards have a relatively high purchasing power, in addition the region is relatively rainy and sunny. Whether this leads to increased pool construction by local homeowners, whether other factors play a role or it is a statistical outlier, was not clear from the Immoscout analysis.

The popularity of real estate with swimming pools isn't limited to Berlin, as the city also saw a 12% increase in such properties this year. Berlin and its surrounding districts of Havelland and Barnim now have a significant number of homes with private pools, making it an appealing location for individuals seeking leisure time amenities. Germany, known for its rich real estate market, has seen a notable rise in houses for sale with swimming pools, with some regions like Bad Dürrenberg boasting nearly one-third of such properties.

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