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Oversleep half the day? How to be productive after all

Set priorities

Hello - let's
Hello - let's

Oversleep half the day? How to be productive after all

If you oversleep half the day, it's tempting to spend the remaining hours in bed. With a few simple tricks, you can still have a productive day.

This scenario is probably familiar to many: After a hard week at work, you stay in bed longer at the weekend. The alarm clock is set for 10 a.m., after all, there's still a lot to do. But before you know it, you're not getting up at 10 o'clock, but at 12 o'clock or even later - half the day is gone. Nevertheless, you shouldn't feel bad at times like this.

With these tips, you can still make productive use of the rest of the day.

Get out of bed

After fighting your way out of bed with all your might, it's tempting to snuggle back into the comforter - preferably with a delicious breakfast. However, if you still want to get some work done, you should avoid breakfast in bed and enjoy muesli or bread rolls outside the bedroom instead. Listening to your favorite podcast or music in the meantime stimulates the mind and boosts motivation.

Fresh air for body and mind

After a fresh shower or just a quick wash, it's a good idea to take a short walk around the block. Simply soak up the sunlight, soak up some vitamin D and enjoy the fresh air. Rain should not be an excuse. Just a twenty-minute walk can be enough to replenish your energy reserves.

To-do lists can work wonders

Then it's time to get down to business: either take your diary or a notepad and write down the tasks for the day. Feel free to go into detail and list your to-dos. You can cross out an item after each completed task. A to-do list takes the pressure off your memory. If you have a lot planned, you won't forget anything. This helps you to relax.

A tip: To-do lists with a reward system create a special incentive. If you complete at least half of your tasks, you can treat yourself to an ice cream in the evening or treat yourself to a movie. These rewards can of course be individually adapted to your preferences.

Set priorities

If you have overslept half the day, you should set yourself realistic goals and not force yourself to complete the work that is scheduled for a whole day in a few hours. Tasks should therefore be prioritized. Things that need to be done urgently have priority - these can be highlighted with a marker or symbols on the to-do list.

Smartphone as the final boss

Even if all the previous tips are followed, productivity has a big enemy these days: the smartphone. People reach for their cell phones far too often, scroll through social media and waste a lot of time. The best thing to do is to simply switch off your phone before important tasks or put it in another room. This removes the temptation to interrupt household chores or the essay for university every few minutes.

If you work hard, you have to take breaks

Nevertheless, it must also be said: Anyone who has had a stressful week at work or university should not take on too much on their days off. Recreational phases are important - so you should listen to your body if it needs more sleep.


