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Overloaded timber transporter stopped: 20 tons too heavy

A truck loaded with wood rolls along the A7 near Neumünster and looks pretty heavy. Police officers stop the van and have it weighed. The result is record-breaking.

A police officer holds a police trowel in his hand during a traffic stop.
A police officer holds a police trowel in his hand during a traffic stop.

Traffic - Overloaded timber transporter stopped: 20 tons too heavy

On the A7 at Neumünster, the police stopped a completely overloaded wood transporter. The officers identified the overload at the traffic control on Wednesday evening, according to the police statement on Thursday. During the inspection, it was found that the truck with a shortwood load weighed 50 percent more than allowed. Trucks and trailers should not weigh more than 40 tons, but the scale showed 60.8 tons. The driver could not continue and received a fine of 380 Euro.

Police statement

The wood transporter's stop by the Neumünster police was not an isolated incident, as traffic authorities in Schleswig-Holstein often monitor transportation compliance to ensure road safety. To avoid such heavy fines and delays, it's crucial for drivers to adhere to the weight limits during transportation in the region.

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