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Overdose of painkillers: nurse goes to prison

A nurse is alleged to have deliberately endangered the life of a patient in a clinic in Essen. According to the verdict, she wanted to "teach the doctors a lesson".

Two years after a near-fatal drama in a clinic in Essen, a former nurse has been sentenced to three...
Two years after a near-fatal drama in a clinic in Essen, a former nurse has been sentenced to three years and three months in prison.

Verdict - Overdose of painkillers: nurse goes to prison

Two years after a nearly fatal incident in a clinic in Essen, a former nurse has been sentenced to three years and three months in prison. The 38-year-old woman had administered an overdose of a painkiller to a patient in July 2022. According to the judgment of the Essen Regional Court, she wanted to give the doctors a "reminder."

She had reportedly been annoyed by a false dosage entry in the electronic patient record. After administering the overdose, she is said to have told the on-duty doctor: "I'm tired of your incorrect orders. You can now watch as he stops breathing."

The life of the 65-year-old patient could have been saved by the immediate administration of an antidote. In the trial, the defendant did not make any statements regarding the accusations. The judgment is for dangerous bodily harm and is not yet legally binding.

The incident involving the overdose of a painkiller in North Rhine-Westphalia's Essen clinic has sparked numerous conversations about healthcare safety. Despite the patient's survival, this case will likely result in stricter guidelines and judgments concerning medical errors and negligence.

The incident in 2022, where a nurse deliberately administered an overdose of painkillers leading to the patient's near-death experience, highlighted the presence and consequences of crime within the North Rhine-Westphalia's healthcare system.

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