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Over 580 law enforcement personnel from various European Championship nations back the Federal Police.

The German Federal Police receive assistance from 580 overseas law enforcement officials during the European Football Championship kickoff on Friday. These officers hail from the event's participating nations, as the Interior Ministry declared in Berlin on Thursday. On the eve of the...

Police officers at a German match during the European Championship 2021
Police officers at a German match during the European Championship 2021

Over 580 law enforcement personnel from various European Championship nations back the Federal Police.

As per the ministry, 350 international police officers will work together with their German counterparts to ensure security at train stations, convoys, airports, and borders during the European Championship. The focus will be on effective communication and de-escalation strategies. Furthermore, 230 other non-German police officers will join efforts at the International Police Cooperation Center in Neuss, where important information will be shared and collated.

Minister Faeser emphasized the necessity of prioritizing EM security, stating that they are prepared to face any potential threats, ranging from Islamic terrorism to aggressive criminals and rioters. This undertaking is a considerable challenge for the police, marking the largest-ever deployment for the Federal Police.

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