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Over 40,000 emergency personnel are responding to floods in Bavaria.

Approximately 40,000 emergency personnel have been mobilized across Bavaria to handle the floods, reported Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) during a press briefing in Reichertshofen, Upper Bavaria on Sunday. He emphasized the importance of properly managing replacements in the coming...

A fire department vehicle stands next to a flooded street in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm.
A fire department vehicle stands next to a flooded street in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm.

Violent weather system on the horizon. - Over 40,000 emergency personnel are responding to floods in Bavaria.

Veterans who have been in the service for a while need to be acknowledged, according to Söder, "as time without respite in service increases the risk of mistakes occurring, fatigue setting in, and potential dangers to life and limb arising at a faster rate."

A fire department spokesperson noted that the flooding in Pfaffenhofen is unpredictable, "something we've never experienced before." The marketplace in Reichertshofen is now submerged. "We can't do much more, we're basically running out of options. But giving up doesn't mean putting our lives on the line – we've got that covered." About 4,600 people are currently participating in the rescue efforts in the region. The primary goal now is to ensure the safety of residents.

Söder thanked the many volunteers in Reichertshofen for their hard work. "The severity of this situation is demonstrated by the loss of one of our colleagues. Therefore, even with all the tasks ahead, we also mourn for the one who didn't make it." Söder also expressed gratitude towards the military for their increased involvement. "Their support is invaluable. Each response team is incredibly equipped."

Meanwhile, Bavarian State Premier Söder urged those affected by the flooding to heed smartphone warnings seriously. "If these alerts pop up on their phones telling them to evacuate right away – not to pack their bags, not to gather all their belongings, but to leave immediately. This is about life and limb."

In Pfaffenhofen, a firefighter lost his life during a rescue operation in the middle of the night. Heavy rain over multiple days has caused rivers and streams to overflow in numerous areas, particularly Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, and hundreds of people have been forced to leave their homes. Hundreds of helpers are currently working tirelessly.

Read also:

  1. The operational force of the fire department in Bavaria is working relentlessly to cope with the floods in Reichertshofen and Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, where the weather has been particularly severe.
  2. Despite the challenging circumstances, Markus Söder, the CSU leader and Bavarian State Premier, thanked the fire department for their efforts and expressed his condolences for the loss of a firefighter in Pfaffenhofen during a rescue operation.
  3. As the floodwaters continue to cause havoc in Bavaria and neighboring regions like Baden-Württemberg, Söder urged residents to take smartphone warnings seriously, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing safety over belongings.
  4. The CSU has deployed an increased operational force to help emergency services in Bavaria, recognizing the critical situation and the need for additional resources to effectively manage the ongoing flood crisis.
  5. Söder commended the courage and dedication of the more than 40,000 emergency personnel, including the CSU, fire departments, and volunteers, who are working tirelessly to contain the floods and rescue those affected in the region.
  6. The flooding in Bavaria has resulted in hundreds of people being displaced from their homes, leading to an urgent call for help from local communities and neighboring regions, which are also experiencing the effects of the severe weather system.
  7. The floods in Bavaria have also highlighted the need for urgent action on climate change, with climate scientists warning of increasingly severe weather events due to global warming.



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