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Over 3,000 farms suffer due to the flooding calamity.

Flooding in Bavaria has impacted numerous farmers, submerging their crops like grain or corn for extended periods. The farmers' association has published preliminary estimates of the damages.

Michaela Kaniber, Bavarian Minister of Agriculture, stands next to a flooded field.
Michaela Kaniber, Bavarian Minister of Agriculture, stands next to a flooded field.

Flooding-induced destruction - Over 3,000 farms suffer due to the flooding calamity.

The Bavarian Farmers' Association (BBV) has preliminarily assessed the extent of agricultural land affected by the floods: Over 55,000 hectares of fields and meadows were inundated. Moreover, about 3,000 agricultural businesses were impacted. Over 50 farms had to be evacuated.

Agriculture took the most significant hit in the administrative districts of Swabia and Upper Bavaria, according to BBV spokesperson Markus Drexler. Along the Danube, substantial damage occurred in the Upper Palatinate and Lower Bavaria. The extent of the damage varied regionally, with arable land, grassland, and special crops affected. Some areas experienced total losses.

On Tuesday, Bavarian State Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) declared that the state would raise the aid allotment for the flooding disaster from 100 to 200 million euros. Farmers' farms are eligible to receive financial assistance under this program.

Experts and professionals anticipate that it will be virtually impossible to harvest on fields submerged for several days. Conceivably, pollutants could have seeped into the soils via the water. Additionally, there is a risk that ailments and degradation might emerge.

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