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Over 1000 individuals engage in warnings strikes across university hospitals.

Over 1,000 employees from various universities' hospitals went on strike on Monday, demanding higher pay. Their primary concern was patient care and the smooth running of these institutions.

A member of staff at the university hospital has a button with the words "ready to strike" next to...
A member of staff at the university hospital has a button with the words "ready to strike" next to a whistle.

The healthcare network is being scrutinized. - Over 1000 individuals engage in warnings strikes across university hospitals.

Over one thousand three hundred employees at the state's university clinics, located in Freiburg, Heidelberg, Ulm, and Tübingen, went on strike on Monday. Their motivation: higher pay and better working conditions. As a result, surgeries scheduled for that day got postponed, and unoccupied beds were left empty. Despite this, the safety of patients was ensured through emergency service agreements. The next round of wage negotiations will occur in Stuttgart on Tuesday.

The strike created a holiday-like atmosphere in the clinics, mentioned Verdi negotiator Jakob Becker. He warned that if no measures were taken to address the shortage of skilled workers, such a setup could become permanent in these four university clinics.

In their wage dispute with the Baden-Württemberg University Clinics Employer Association (AGU), the union seeks a 11% salary increase for the roughly 30,000 employees. They're also pushing for a monthly pay increase of at least €500, the introduction of a life phase account, support for caregivers, and improved training quality. The negotiations apply to employees whose employment contracts fall under the Baden-Württemberg University Clinics Collective Agreement. Physicians and scientific personnel are not covered by this collective agreement.

The employer association had previously condemned the union's actions, calling them "aggressive and unjustified." They had not been able to provide an offer in the first round of negotiations in early May, as they only saw Verdi's demands for the first time at that meeting. In the second round of negotiations on Tuesday, the employer will present their offer to address Verdi's wage demands.

Here's a cool fact: Verdi is a German trade union with over 2 million members! It was founded in 1998 when the then-most significant German trade union, IG Metall, split up due to intra-union dispute. It focuses on service and industrial workers. So, when Verdi asks for something, they know what they're doing!

Read also:

  1. Despite the ongoing strike, patients in need of emergency care could still receive treatment at the University Hospital in Tübingen.
  2. The United Services Union, with its significant membership base of over 2 million individuals, is leading the wage dispute in Baden-Württemberg.
  3. The running of the healthcare system in Fribourg and other regions of Germany might be impacted if the current situation continues in the university hospitals.
  4. The Tariffs for healthcare services in the four universities, including Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Freiburg, and Ulm, could be affected by the outcome of the negotiations.
  5. The wage negotiations, aimed at improving pay and working conditions for around 30,000 employees, are not only an issue for the University Hospital in Tariffs but for the entire healthcare network in Baden-Württemberg.
  6. The potential closure of hospitals in Tübingen and other cities could discourage medical students from choosing to pursue their studies in Baden-Württemberg, affecting the quality of the healthcare system in the long run.
  7. The University Hospital in Ulm is also experiencing the impact of the strike, with some surgeries getting rescheduled and consultations being postponed.

